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Filesystem Integrity Check

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Filesystem Check

Filesystem check is available for recovery points created within Elastio for the following types of backups: EC2, EBS and block. It ensures that filesystem structures are intact within the recovery point and would be usable after recovery. The filesystem check is run in background by default but can also run in foreground right on the machine the CLI is running on.

Run Filesystem Check in Elastio CLI

There are two ways to check a recovery point for filesystem integrity - right when the backup is initiated and separately for previously created recovery points.

To check the recovery point for filesystem integrity right after the backup is completed use the --fs-checkflag as follows:

  • for EC2 backups:
elastio ec2 backup --instance-id <aws-ec2-instance-id> --fs-check
  • for EBS backups:
elastio ebs backup --volume-id <aws-ebs-volume-id> --fs-check
  • for block backups:
elastio block backup <partition-name> --fs-check

Note: Filesystem Integrity check can be run as a foreground job as well as a background job (default), to check filesystem for integrity in foreground use the --foregroundflag when running the command.

For pre-existing recovery points there is a separate command you can use:

elastio fs-check --rp <elastio-rp-id>

An example use of filesystem integrity check in background would be as follows:

elastio fs-check --rp <elastio-rp-id>

An example of the same operation in foreground would be:

elastio fs-check --rp <elastio-rp-id> --foreground

See an example output of the filesystem check below:

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-13-135 ~]$ elastio fs-check --rp rp-01gdfw99nqha8v9aa1xssj7fe9 --monitor
There's already a job running to perform this operation, so a new job will not be started
To monitor it run: elastio job monitor --job-id j-01gdfxdd98dgbgef58wprmqs7v

Found the root job: j-01gdfxdd98dgbgef58wprmqs7v, attempt: 1
Description: Filesystem check rp-01gdfw99nqha8v9aa1xssj7fe9

The job `j-01gdfxdd98dgbgef58wprmqs7v` spawned a child job `j-01gdfxgqgcr1td73amqnbs60tj`, attempt: 1
Child job description: Filesystem check device: vol-08c56e7461d4fc123/p1

The job j-01gdfxdd98dgbgef58wprmqs7v has finished with status S:Successful

The job j-01gdfxgqgcr1td73amqnbs60tj has finished with status S:Successful

▪ (S:Successful)            Awaiting progress information
▪   (S:Successful)            Awaiting progress information
Job output:
  "details": {
    "fs_check": {
      "infos": [
          "Disk": {
            "name": "vol-08c56e7461d4fc123",
            "partitions": [
                "check_result": {
                  "FsChecked": {
                    "fs_check_tool_output": {
                      "stderr": "Phase 1 - find and verify superblock...\n        - reporting progress in intervals of 15 minutes\nPhase 2 - using internal log\n        - zero log...\nERROR: The filesystem has valuable metadata changes in a log which needs to\nbe replayed.  Mount the filesystem to replay the log, and unmount it before\nre-running xfs_repair.  If you are unable to mount the filesystem, then use\nthe -L option to destroy the log and attempt a repair.\nNote that destroying the log may cause corruption -- please attempt a mount\nof the filesystem before doing this.\n",
                      "stdout": null
                    "fs_check_tool_result": "ErrorsNotFixed",
                    "fs_len": 32199651328,
                    "fs_start": 0,
                    "fs_type": "xfs"
                "name": "vol-08c56e7461d4fc123/p1"
      "rp_id": "rp-01gdfw99nqha8v9aa1xssj7fe9",
      "schema": "v1"
    "job_data": {
      "details": {
        "rp_id": {
          "rp_id": "rp-01gdfw99nqha8v9aa1xssj7fe9",
          "schema": "v1"
      "schema": "v1"
  "schema": "v1"