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List Recovery Points

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Elastio includes a feature to list all the recovery points (RPs) directly from the Cloud Connector.

Run the following command to list all recovery points:

elastio rp list

Ways to filter the RP list

There are multiple available options to filter these RPs:

  1. By asset type using the following flags:
    • --ec2
    • --ebs
    • --host
  2. By data item type using the --type <type> flag and value
  3. By the tag associated with the RP by using --tag <name[:value]>
  4. By using --newer-than {timestamp} to show RPs newer than this timestamp
  5. By using --older-than {timestamp} to show RPs older than this timestamp

The timestamp option includes multiple different formats. However, you can use only one at a time; they cannot be used simultaneously.

"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S",
"%H:%M:%S %m-%d-%Y",
"%H:%M:%S %Y-%m-%d",
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M",
"%H:%M %m-%d-%Y",
"%H:%M %Y-%m-%d",

Note: The timestamp should be inserted inside the curly braces - {timestamp}.

Combining these options gives greater granularity

The above options can be combined to achieve greater granularity when listing the RPs.

Here are several examples showing the different combinations of options:

List all RPs belonging to the EC2 asset type and new than a specific timestamp:

elastio rp list --ec2 --newer-than <timestamp>

List all RPs from a specific EC2 instance run:

elastio rp list --ec2 <aws-ec2-instance-id>

List all RPs belonging to a specific EC2 instance where the data type is specified, and the RP is flagged with a “test” flag:

elastio rp list --ec2 <aws-ec2-instance-id> --type file --tag <tag:value>

List all EBS recovery points:

elastio rp list --ebs

List all RPs from a specific EBS volume:

elastio rp list --ebs <aws-ebs-volume-id>

List all RPs from a specific EBS volume with a particular tag:

elastio rp list --ebs <aws-ebs-volume-id> --tag <tag:value>

List all RPs from a local host older than a specific timestamp:

elastio rp list --host --older-than <timestamp>

List all RPs from a specific local host:

elastio rp list --host <host-name>

List all RPs from a specific local host with a particular tag:

elastio rp list --host <host-name> --tag <tag:value>