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AWS Restore Test with Elastio

Elastio integration with AWS Backup Restore Test has been introduced in version 0.30. Supported AWS services are: EC2, EBS, EFS, S3. It can be set up directly in your AWS Console following the steps below.

In order to use AWS Restore Test with Elastio there are 3 steps that should be completed to set it up.

First, an AWS Backup policy needs to be configured for the assets that you are interested in backing up and then running Elastio against said recovery points. The policy has to tag the recovery points with a specific tag that Elastio then will pick up and act upon. The tag is: “elastio:restore-test”, the value can be one of the three options:

  • scan
  • ingest
  • ingest-and-scan

Depending on the value of the tag, the resulting AWS recovery points will be scanned by Elastio, ingested as Elastio recovery points or both.

Secondly, you have to deploy the AWS Backup reference architecture stack for integration of AWS Backup Restore Test with Elastio, hosted by AWS here.

Figure 1: Elastio Restore Test CFN

Figure 1: Elastio Restore Test CFN

The final step would be to setup the AWS Recovery Test. You can find instruction on how to set it up here.

⚠️ Important! ⚠️ If the Elastio vault is deployed into subnets in multiple availability zones, or if the AWS Backup restore test runs the restore in an availability zone where the Elastio vault is not deployed, Elastio will automatically copy the restored EBS volumes to the AZ where the Elastio scan job is running. This may take some time and therefore the restore test might take longer. To avoid this, ensure that the Elastio vault is deployed into a single subnet in a single AZ, and ensure that Restore Test is restoring into this same AZ.