Enhancements, Fixes, and Known Issues 09/02/2022
The following enhancements, fixes, and known issues are found in this release, dated 09/02/2022:
New features & enhancements
- The options “Protect all EC2 instances” and “Protect all EBS volumes” were added to custom policies. Now users can protect all assets of a particular kind across all linked AWS accounts with a custom policy.
- Import AWS Snapshots widget and command were added to Dashboard page. It is used to import the latest snapshot for EC2 instances and EBS volumes from all linked AWS accounts in the Tenant. By selecting an EC2 instance the import will enumerate all the EBS volumes for that instance and import the latest snapshot. When the import is completed an Elastio recovery point is created and added to the recovery point chain of the EBS volume. To import all the snapshots for a particular EBS volume use the Elastio CLI command: . ** specify command *** Note: Importing all snapshots may take an extended period of time depending on the quantity of snapshots in the AWS account. Elastio does not delete EBS snapshots after import - that is the responsibility of the user.
Bug Fixes
- Unnecessary “Coming soon” labels were removed from Tenant pages.
- “Fix it” button behavior on the Dashboard page was improved to address more failure modes.
- “Upgrade” buttons behavior on the Sources page now have identical flows. Beforehand the behavior difference was confusing. This was fixed.