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Integrity Check

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Elastio recovery point integrity check is a fundamental way to ensure that the recovery point contents are intact and recoverable. Elastio recovery point integrity check can be performed on an Elastio recovery point of any kind. The way this check works is it scans the recovery point for Scalez structures consistency thus ensuring that those structures can be read and restored. The check can be run in Elastio CLI for one or more recovery points at a time. By default recovery point integrity check runs as a background job and it can be monitored using the elastio job monitor... command generated in the output.

Note: if more than 1 recovery point will be included for the scan there would be several elastio job monitor...commands generated, one for each integrity check background job.

To run Elastio integrity check use the following command:

elastio integrity-check recovery-points --rp <elastio-rp-id>

An example output for 1 recovery point:

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-13-135 ~]$ elastio integrity-check recovery-points --rp rp-01gank9n14jc3gmp55jgas1bnb
This operation (elastio:backup-integrity) will run as a background job ID j-01gdg3gx592wcdpwfjjmz135ws
To monitor it run: elastio job monitor --job-id j-01gdg3gx592wcdpwfjjmz135ws
Abort token: zVUj+dWMm/5R0sOJOWKep8PMW4tqa37KtUL5o+T6OHk=

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-13-135 ~]$ elastio job monitor --job-id j-01gdg3gx592wcdpwfjjmz135ws
Found the root job: j-01gdg3gx592wcdpwfjjmz135ws, attempt: 1
Description: Backup integrity check [&quot;rp-01gank9n14jc3gmp55jgas1bnb&quot;]

The job `j-01gdg3gx592wcdpwfjjmz135ws` has already finished with status S:Successful

The job `j-01gdg3gx592wcdpwfjjmz135ws` spawned a child job `j-01gdg3m9sjrt8s2171h9rfdwek`, attempt: 1
Child job description: Integrity check of recovery point rp-01gank9n14jc3gmp55jgas1bnb

The job `j-01gdg3m9sjrt8s2171h9rfdwek` has already finished with status S:Successful

▪ (S:Successful)            Awaiting progress information
▪   (S:Successful)[00:00:04]          ######################################## 14.00GB/14.00GB (3.50GB/s)
Job output:
  "details": {
    "integrity_check": {
      "checks": [
          "blob_version_checks": [
              "check": {
                "Succeeded": {
                  "bytes_checked": 268435456,
                  "bytes_total": 268435456,
                  "errors": []
              "version_id": "b-01gank9fj859f65q9j6t0j61r3:1"
              "check": {
                "Succeeded": {
                  "bytes_checked": 268435456,
                  "bytes_total": 268435456,
                  "errors": []
              "version_id": "b-01gank9fj9cckdxq7p6f1pckzp:1"
              "check": {
                "Succeeded": {
                  "bytes_checked": 13958643712,
                  "bytes_total": 13958643712,
                  "errors": []
              "version_id": "b-01ganjmd5ea3tjmy9mzaeer4m2:3"
              "check": {
                "Succeeded": {
                  "bytes_checked": 268435456,
                  "bytes_total": 268435456,
                  "errors": []
              "version_id": "b-01gank9fj9cckdxq7p6f1pckzq:1"
              "check": {
                "Succeeded": {
                  "bytes_checked": 268435456,
                  "bytes_total": 268435456,
                  "errors": []
              "version_id": "b-01gank9fj859f65q9j6t0j61r2:1"
          "rp_id": "rp-01gank9n14jc3gmp55jgas1bnb"
      "schema": "v1"
    "job_data": {
      "schema": "v1"
  "schema": "v1"

See the example output for 2 recovery points integrity check below:

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-13-135 ~]$ elastio integrity-check recovery-points --rp rp-01gank9n14jc3gmp55jgas1bnb --rp rp-01gdfw99nqha8v9aa1xssj7fe9
This operation (elastio:backup-integrity) will run as a background job ID j-01gdg3t8da83gvr71vwwwngd43
To monitor it run: elastio job monitor --job-id j-01gdg3t8da83gvr71vwwwngd43
Abort token: N4R32DIhsoeut3G9/lsOJIGaOmu4hHnghsVTTpQvDOY=

This operation (elastio:backup-integrity) will run as a background job ID j-01gdg3t9gzx3qdyjasxh0nknrw
To monitor it run: elastio job monitor --job-id j-01gdg3t9gzx3qdyjasxh0nknrw
Abort token: nGmUuHQQxyP+kXzcTY12Ku/+jq+8NSDGAHTbYtUjmD8=

By running each of the elastio job monitor... commands you can see the job progress and results for each integrity scan separately.