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The Difference Between Elastio EBS and Elastio Block Backups

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A keen understanding of the difference between Elastio block backups and Elastio EBS backups is essential to derive optimal benefit from the Elastio stack’s overall functionality.

Elastio block backups

Elastio block backups are used to backup Linux and Windows partitions. As a result, these backups can be performed on any live system and are app-consistent on Windows and crash-consistent on Linux. Elastio block backups can run on any Linux or Windows host that has the Elastio CLI installed.

The Elastio block restore will dismount the device, restore it, and mount it when the restore is complete. The Elastio block backup does support system root partitions, but to restore a system root partition and boot from it, requires a boot CK. Also, for Linux, the /etc/fstab file must be edited. Lastly, grup, Linux’s boot loader, must be reinstalled.

Note: The Elastio block backup function will backup devices with multiple partitions, but the device must not be mounted or mounted read-only.

Elastio EBS backups

EBS backups, on the other hand, are agentless and use AWS snapshots as a foundation for each backup. A device can host multiple partitions, Therefore, the Elastio EBS backup will capture all of the partitions, creating a crash consistent backup. The Elastio EBS restore is performed as a background job and is always restored to a new EBS volume. When the restore has completed, the volume can be attached to any AWS instance or accessed using the Elastio mount function described below.

Note: The Elastio EBS restore function only restores within an AWS infrastructure.

The Elastio mount functionality mounts block and EBS recovery points as local devices mountable on any Linux or Windows host with the supported file systems. If the recovery point includes a partition that is not a supported file system, Elastio will mount it as a raw device. The supported file systems are ext2, ext3, ext4, XFS, and NTFS.