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Connect to Tenant

To connect the Elastio CLI to an ELastio Tenant, you need to use the elastio configure command as follows:

elastio configure

You will have to input the Elastio Tenant name and access token as part of this process. Additionally, you can add an AWS profile to use.

The example run looks like so:

test-ThinkPad-T15-Gen-1:~$ elastio configure
Tenant name:
Access token: [hidden]
AWS profile:

Using tenant with access token ************************************TtK0

Note: The Elastio Tenant name must be in the following format:

Lastly, if you do not have any access tokens, you can create one by navigating to your Elastio Tenant account.

Navigate to the Account Settings page on the top right of any page in the Elastio Tenant. Follow to the tab named API access, then press the “Add New Access Token” button.

On the access token creation page you will have to insert a name for the token and select the scopes for it.

Figure 1: Elastio Access Token Creation

Figure 1: Elastio Access Token Creation page

Once the name has been inserted and scopes have been selected, press the “Generate Token” button. A pop-up window will show up with the newly generated token.

Note: Make sure to copy the access token once it is displayed on the screen, otherwise it will be lost.