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Mount a Recovery Point

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Use the Elastio recovery point (RP) mount functionality to restore files without restoring an entire EBS or block backup or as self-service clones.

The Elastio mount creates a standard block device with a mount point on the local system in seconds. This mount point is used to serve data to applications directly or for quick file-level recoveries.

Step 1:

Choose an EBS or block backup you want to mount:

elastio rp list --ebs


elastio rp list --type block

Step 2:

Run the following command to mount a recovery point ID returned from the list command executed in step 1 above:

sudo -E elastio mount rp --rp <elastio-rp-id>

Filesystem support


Partitions with an ext2, ext3, ext4, XFS, or NTFS filesystem will be mounted and accessible via a mount point; otherwise, they will be attached as raw devices.


Partitions with an NTFS filesystem will be mounted and accessible via a mount point; otherwise, it will be attached as a raw device.

Advanced Options

The following options are available with the mount command:

  1. --attach - The device will be mounted but not attached
  2. --mount-options - For advanced use cases, you can pass teh NDB options directly to the mount instruction


Mount specific entries using the block backup type’s recovery point ID:

sudo -E elastio mount rp --rp <elastio-rp-id> <partition-name-1> <partition-name-2>

Mount a specific entry by recovery point ID for the block backup type to a particular mount point on Linux:

sudo -E elastio mount rp --rp <elastio-rp-id> <partition-name>:<mount-point>

Mount a specific entry by recovery point ID for a EC22 backup to a specific mount point on Windows:

sudo -E elastio mount rp --rp <elastio-rp-id> <aws-eba-volume-id>;<mount-point>

Attach all entries by recovery point ID only via NDB:

sudo -E elastio mount rp --rp <elastio-rp-id> --attach-only

Mount all entries by recovery point ID with specific mount options:

sudo -E elastio mount rp --rp <elastio-rp-id> --mount-options="norecovery"

Mount all entries by recovery point ID with particular NDB options:

sudo -E elastio mount rp --rp <elastio-rp-id> --nbd-client-args="-b 1024"

Run the following commands to access the mounted recovery point on Windows:

>cd c:\rp-05-05-21-10:10am

Managing mounted recovery points

Use the following commands to return a list of mounted recovery points (RPs):

sudo -E elastio mount list

Unmount a recovery point by RP ID:

sudo -E elastio umount --rp <elastio-rp-id>

Use the following command to unmount by mount point:

sudo -E elastio umount <mount-point>

Use the following command to unmount all:

sudo -E elastio umount --all