Elastio CLI
The Elastio CLI is a command-line interface that allows you to perform various operations such as backups, restores, integrity scans, recovery testing, recovery point mounts, user and access token management, and management of other Elastio components. It can be run on various platforms including EC2, EKS, ECS, local containers, Lambda, and Linux, Windows, or MacOS machines. Coding examples can be found on GitHub.
This CLI can be installed on a variety of environments including Amazon EC2 instances, Azure VMs, GCP VMs, Digital Ocean Droplets, Linode instances, Hetzner Bare-Metal servers, Hetzner cloud VMs, and local machines. It can be used for on-demand protection and recovery of files, file systems, streams, block devices, databases, AWS EBS, AWS EC2, AWS EKS, native containers, and virtual machines. For more information, refer to the Tutorials section.
In addition to backups and restores, the Elastio CLI also allows you to perform recovery point (RP) mount operations, which enable the restoration of files without restoring an entire EBS volume or block device from backup. Instructions on this functionality can be found in the Protect and Restore section.
Additionally, the CLI includes an integrity scan function that detects and responds to ransomware, crypto miners, trojans, and other malware and file system corruption inside of containers, file systems, snapshots, and backups. This function can be integrated with your existing SOC, SEIM, or CNAPP tooling via webhooks and is regularly updated with the latest threat information. More information can be found in the Integrity Scan section.