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Welcome to the Dashboard page of your Elastio tenant. Here, you’ll find important information about the integrity of your data and its recoverability. With just a glance, you can get a quick overview of the results of your inspections and how they are performing. Elastio provides you an option to set up several Dashboard views based on asset tags to get even more granularity into your environment.

Our Dashboard page offers powerful tools that allow you to drill down and get more detailed insights into the metrics that matter most to you. You can easily access important metrics such as data loss, recovery and compliance exposure. The Dashboard described below is the default that includes all inventory assets, regardless of their type. If you need more granular views, refer to the Dashboard management section of this guide.

By using the Dashboard page of your Elastio tenant, you can make informed decisions about your data protection strategy. Whether you’re looking to enhance the extent of your protection, improve your recovery times, or enhance your threat detection capabilities, our Dashboard page is the perfect place to start.

There are 3 default dashboards that you have access to right after you start protecting your assets with Elastio. They are Overview, Security and Recovery Dashboards. In addition to those, you can create your personal custom dashboards to track specific data you require.

AWS Overview

Figure 1: Overview Dashboard

Figure 1: Overview Dashboard

AWS Overview dashboard or the Data Resilience Control Center provides an at-a-glance view of the high-level metrics such as Threat Exposure, RPO, Backup Coverage etc.

Figure 2.1: Threats

Figure 2.1: Threats

First widget on the left is focused on threats.

Threats widget consists of 2 parts: Threats and Threat Exposure. Threats section contains 3 kinds of possible threats: Active ransomware, Active malware and File System corruption.

Threat Exposure reflects the % of assets that have cyber threats, the number of accounts and regions affected.

Figure 2.2: Assets with Active Threats

Figure 2.2: Assets with Active Threats

If you click on any of the sections, you’ll be redirected to a page with the list of assets containing that kind of active threat.

Figure 3.1: Storage Misconfigurations

Figure 3.1: Storage Misconfigurations

Storage Misconfigurations widget gives you visibility into some potential issues that have been discovered within the accounts connected to Elastio. The misconfigurations are broken down into High, Medium and Low risk. Right next to the breakdown you can see a list of identified misconfigurations.

Figure 3.2: Assets with Misconfigurations

Figure 3.2: Assets with Misconfigurations

Clicking on the misconfiguration type will redirect you to the page containing a list of all assets containing these misconfigurations.

Figure 4: File Scans and File System Integrity Checks

Figure 4: File Scans and File System Integrity Checks

The last widget on the left focuses on File Scans and File System Integrity Checks. You can see the number of files scanned in the last 30 days, the number of infected and clean files. The File System Integrity Checks section shows the number of file system checks performed alongside the number of corrupted and healthy file systems identified. Moving to the right of the dashboard, you can see 3 more widgets: Backup and Scan Coverage, Recovery Point Objective (RPO), and Retention.

Moving to the right of the dashboard, you can see 3 more widgets: Backup and Scan Coverage, Recovery Point Objective (RPO), and Retention.

Figure 5: Backup Coverage and Scan Coverage

Figure 5: Backup Coverage and Scan Coverage

Backup Coverage widget provides an insight into how well the environment is protected. It displays the number of protected EC2 instances and EBS volumes compared to the total numbers, as well as storage reduction percentage and the optimized size of the backed up data.

Scan Coverage widget presents you with the number of EC2 instances, EBS volumes, S3 buckets and AWS EFS that are being scanned by Elastio compared to the total number of said resources discovered in the connected AWS accounts.

Figure 6: RPO and Retention

Figure 6: RPO and Retention

Recovery Point Objective is the amount of assets that were backed up within the pre-defined backup window. On this widget, you can see the % of assets that are out of schedule, as well as the highest and lowest RPOs. All aforementioned values are clickable and will redirect you to a page containing a list of assets with the selected value. The scale on the right can be clicked to view the percentage of assets with different RPO values.

Retention widget displays the average retention in days, alongside bottom and top quartile average retention values. Retention values are based on the age of the oldest retained recovery point for each asset. Clicking the scale on the right gives more insight into how assets are broken down into quartiles.

AWS Security

AWS Security dashboard provides you with some useful data on the security of your infrastructure. It displays metrics like the number of ransomware and malware threats detected, as well as storage misconfigurations and scan coverage.

Figure 7: Security Dashboard

Figure 7: Security Dashboard

Threats widget consists of 2 parts: Threats and Threat Exposure. Threats section contains 3 kinds of possible threats: Active ransomware, Active malware and File System corruption.

Threat Exposure reflects the % of assets that have cyber threats, the number of accounts and regions affected. If you click on any of the sections, you’ll be redirected to a page with the list of assets containing that kind of active threat.

Storage Misconfigurations widget gives you visibility into some potential issues that have been discovered within the accounts connected to Elastio. The misconfigurations are broken down into High, Medium and Low risk. Right next to the breakdown you can see a list of identified misconfigurations. Clicking on the misconfiguration type will redirect you to the page containing a list of all assets containing these misconfigurations.

Scan Coverage widget presents you with the number of EC2 instances, EBS volumes, S3 buckets and AWS EFS that are being scanned by Elastio compared to the total number of said resources discovered in the connected AWS accounts.

File Scans represents the number of files scanned in the last 30 days, the number of infected and clean files.

The File System Integrity Checks section shows the number of file system checks performed alongside the number of corrupted and healthy file systems identified.

AWS Recovery

AWS Recovery dashboard view allows you to assess the ability to recover the environments linked to Elastio as Sources.

Figure 7: Recovery Dashboard

Figure 7: Recovery Dashboard

Threats widget consists of 2 parts: Threats and Threat Exposure. Threats section contains 3 kinds of possible threats: Active ransomware, Active malware and File System corruption.

Threat Exposure reflects the % of assets that have cyber threats, the number of accounts and regions affected. If you click on any of the sections, you’ll be redirected to a page with the list of assets containing that kind of active threat.

Backup Coverage widget provides an insight into how well the environment is protected. It displays the number of protected EC2 instances and EBS volumes compared to the total numbers, as well as storage reduction percentage and the optimized size of the backed up data.

Recovery Point Objective is the amount of assets that were backed up within the pre-defined backup window. On this widget, you can see the % of assets that are out of schedule, as well as the highest and lowest RPOs. All aforementioned values are clickable and will redirect you to a page containing a list of assets with the selected value. The scale on the right can be clicked to view the percentage of assets with different RPO values.

Retention widget displays the average retention in days, alongside bottom and top quartile average retention values. Retention values are based on the age of the oldest retained recovery point for each asset. Clicking the scale on the right gives more insight into how assets are broken down into quartiles.

Backup Connector

In case you are using Elastio Backup Connector and would like an at-a-glance view of the scans of your backups, you can create a separate dashboard view. To do that press the “+” button to the right of the AWS Recovery view on the Dashboard page of your Elastio tenant.

Figure 8: Add new dashboard view

Figure 8: Add new dashboard view

On the page that opens, select the Backup Connector option.

Figure 9: Add new Backup Connector dashboard view

Figure 9: Add new Backup Connector dashboard view

Create a name for the dashboard view. Then, select the Backup Vendor(s) that you are using and Accounts that you would like to get insights on.

Note that for Backup Connector the available accounts are those of enabled backup vendors that are already linked to Elastio tenant.

Finally, you can make this dashboard view the default by checking the Default Dashboard checkbox. This way the Dashboard page of your Elastio tenant will always open on this tab.

Note that the custom dashboard views in your Elastio tenant are only visible to the user who creates them and are not tenant wide settings.

Figure 10: Backup Connector dashboard view selectors

Figure 10: Backup Connector dashboard view selectors

Once you have selected all the settings, press the “Create new view” button. This view will appear to the right of the default “AWS Recovery” tab on the Dashboard page.

Figure 11: Backup Connector dashboard view

Figure 11: Backup Connector dashboard view

Threats section contains 2 kinds of possible threats: Ransomware and Malware.

Threat Exposure reflects the number and % of servers that have cyber threats.

Assets scanned displays the number of servers that were scanned as well as the number of infected and clean servers.

Data Scanned (Prior 30 days) contains the amount of data covered by Elastio protection during the previous 30 days, as well as the number of scanned recovery points and cumulative data scanned.

Files scanned reflects the number of files that were scanned within the scanned servers, as well as the number of infected and clean files for the previous 30 days.

Account Summary table contains the breakdown of Infected Servers, Protected Servers, Front-end Data Protected - MTD (GiB) and Data Scanned - MTD (GiB). By clicking on the account alias you can view the infected servers list.

In case you need to update the custom Backup Connector view or would like to remove it, there is an options button next to the name. By clicking it, you can select Edit or Remove from the drop-down list.

Figure 12: Backup Connector dashboard view options

Figure 12: Backup Connector dashboard view options

Add New Dashboard View

In order to provide a more granular view of the assets health across the organization, Elastio has introduced additional customizable Dashboard views. This way you can get analytics on certain parts of your infrastructure, such as specific accounts, regions, criticality and even organization departments.

To add a new Dashboard view, go to the Dashboard page of your tenant, and press the “+” button next to the “Recovery” tab header.

Figure 13: Add new dashboard view

Figure 13: Add new dashboard view

On the page that opens, you’ll have several options to limit the view by. First, select the source of the data that you prefer to use - AWS or Backup Connector.

For AWS select a name for the new dashboard view. Then you have to select the view option: Recovery Points, Security or Backups & Scans, Then, select AWS account(s) and (optionally) AWS region(s). Additionally, you can filter assets by tags. Adding your tags, you can use “and” or “or” to make the filtering more granular. You can also exclude assets by tags. Exclusion works similarly to inclusion through “and” or “or” operator.

For Backup Connector select a name for the new dashboard view. Select one or several backup vendors from the drop-down list. Then select the accounts that you want to include into the dashboard view.

Note that for Backup Connector the available accounts are those of enabled backup vendors that are already linked to Elastio tenant.

Once you have selected all the settings, press the “Create new view” button. This view will appear to the right of the default “AWS Recovery” tab on the Dashboard page.

In case you need to update the custom Backup Connector view or would like to remove it, next to the name there is an options button, by clicking it you can select Edit or Remove from the drop-down list.

Figure 14: Backup Connector dashboard view options

Figure 14: Backup Connector dashboard view options