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Notifications event types

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You can find the complete list of all events produced by Elastio in the following table:

Event Category Severity Description
elastio:account-level-stack:discovery:multiple-stacks-detected asset Error Multiple CFN stacks detected.
elastio:asset:backup-policy-coverage:evaluated backup-policy Info / Warning Asset backup policy coverage was evaluated successfully.
elastio:asset:backup-window-sla:met backup-window Error / Trace Asset met backup window SLA.
elastio:asset:backup-window-sla:missed backup-window Trace Asset missed backup window SLA.
elastio:asset:instance:excluded-by-tags instance Trace The EC2 instance has special tags which prevent it from being used for backups.
elastio:asset:instance:running instance Info The EC2 instance transitioned to the running state.
elastio:asset:instance:stopped instance Warning The EC2 instance transitioned to the stopped state.
elastio:asset:instance:terminated instance Warning The EC2 instance was terminated.
elastio:asset:tags:updated tags Info The tags of the asset have been successfully updated.
elastio:asset:volume:attached volume Info The EBS volume has been attached to an EC2 instance.
elastio:asset:volume:created volume Info The EBS volume has been successfully created.
elastio:asset:volume:deleted volume Warning The EBS volume has been deleted.
elastio:asset:volume:detached volume Warning The EBS volume has been detached from the EC2 instance.
elastio:asset:volume:excluded-by-tags volume Trace The EBS volume has special tags which prevent it from being used for backups.
elastio:backup-policy:cleanup-coverage:failed backup-policy Trace Failed to clean up backup policy coverage.
elastio:backup-policy:cleanup-coverage:scheduled backup-policy Trace A job for cleaning up backup policy coverage was scheduled.
elastio:backup-policy:cleanup-coverage:succeeded backup-policy Trace Cleanup coverage of backup policy was successful.
elastio:backup-policy:compliance-check:failed backup-policy Error Backup policy is out of compliance with the backup window
elastio:backup-policy:compliance-check:succeeded backup-policy Info Backup policy is in compliance with the backup window
elastio:backup-policy:coverage-evaluation:failed backup-policy Error Backup policy coverage evaluation failed.
elastio:backup-policy:coverage-evaluation:finished backup-policy Trace Backup policy coverage evaluation finished.
elastio:backup-policy:coverage-evaluation:started backup-policy Trace Backup policy coverage evaluation started.
elastio:backup-policy:create:failed backup-policy Trace A backup policy failed to get created.
elastio:backup-policy:create:succeeded backup-policy Info A backup policy was successfully created.
elastio:backup-policy:delete:failed backup-policy Trace A backup policy failed to get deleted.
elastio:backup-policy:delete:succeeded backup-policy Info A backup policy was successfully deleted.
elastio:backup-policy:execute:failed backup-policy Error Failed to execute backup policy.
elastio:backup-policy:execute:failed-to-get-scheduled backup-policy Error A backup policy execute failed to get scheduled.
elastio:backup-policy:execute:scheduled backup-policy Trace A job for executing backup policy was scheduled.
elastio:backup-policy:execute:successful backup-policy Info Execute of backup policy is succeeded.
elastio:backup-policy:get:failed backup-policy Trace A user failed to get backup policy.
elastio:backup-policy:get:succeeded backup-policy Trace A user successfully got backup policy.
elastio:backup-policy:list:failed backup-policy Trace A user failed to list backup policies.
elastio:backup-policy:list:succeeded backup-policy Trace A user successfully listed backup policies.
elastio:cloud-connector:refresh-backup-policies:failed cloud-connector Trace Failed to refresh backup policies for AWS account in region.
elastio:cloud-connector:refresh-backup-policies:scheduled cloud-connector Trace A job for refreshing backup policies for AWS account and region was scheduled.
elastio:cloud-connector:refresh-backup-policies:succeeded cloud-connector Trace Refresh backup policies for AWS account in region was successful.
elastio:local-path:iscan:healthy local-path Info Iscan has determined that scanned path is healthy.
elastio:local-path:iscan:unhealthy local-path Error Iscan discovered a security threat in the path scanned.
elastio:notifications:slack:disconnected notifications Error Slack workspace was disconnected from Tenant.
elastio:recovery-point:create:failed recovery-point Error / Trace Recovery point creation failed.
elastio:recovery-point:create:started recovery-point Trace Recovery point creation started.
elastio:recovery-point:create:succeeded recovery-point Info / Trace A new recovery point has been successfully created.
elastio:recovery-point:delete:succeeded recovery-point Info / Trace The recovery point has been deleted.
elastio:recovery-point:fs-check:failed recovery-point Error File System сheck has failed for the recovery point.
elastio:recovery-point:fs-check:succeeded recovery-point Info File System check was successful for the recovery point.
elastio:recovery-point:iscan:healthy recovery-point Info Iscan has labeled a recovery point as healthy.
elastio:recovery-point:iscan:unhealthy recovery-point Error Iscan has labeled a recovery point as quarantined.
elastio:recovery-point:restore:succeeded recovery-point Info / Trace The recovery point has been successfully restored.
elastio:recovery-point:update:set-tags recovery-point Info / Trace The tags of the recovery point have been successfully updated.
elastio:snapshots:import:failed snapshots Error Failed to import snapshots for AWS account.
elastio:snapshots:import:failed-to-get-scheduled snapshots Error Snapshots import failed to get scheduled.
elastio:snapshots:import:scheduled snapshots Trace Snapshots import was scheduled.
elastio:snapshots:import:succeeded snapshots Info Snapshots import succeeded.
elastio:vault:create:failed vault Error Vault creation failed.
elastio:vault:create:scheduled vault Info A vault creation was successfully scheduled.
elastio:vault:create:succeeded vault Info A new vault has been successfully created.
elastio:vault:delete:succeeded vault Trace / Warning The vault has been successfully deleted.
elastio:vault:restore:succeeded vault Info / Trace The vault has been successfully restored.
elastio:vault:safety-lock:disabled vault Trace / Warning SafetyLock has been disabled on the vault.
elastio:vault:safety-lock:enabled vault Info / Trace SafetyLock has been enabled on the vault.
elastio:vault:update:set-as-default vault Info / Trace The vault has been set as default.
elastio:vault:upgrade:succeeded vault Info / Trace The vault has been upgraded to a new version.

Note: Whenever 2 different severity levels are used for the same event, the lower level is used only during a resync operation, where the events might be older and do not require immediate delivery of notifications. In all other cases, the higher severity level is used.