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The Elastio Tenant Settings page consists of four sections: General, Team Members, Alerts and Webhooks.

Figure 1: General

Figure 1: General

The General section contains the Name of the tenant and the Elastio Tenant Version.

Figure 2: Team Members

Figure 2: Team Members

The Team Members Management section allows you to create and manage users. To learn more, visit the Team Members page.

Figure 2: Alerts

Figure 2: Alerts

Alerts tab allows you to setup the alerts for your tenant. The alerts can be delivered to the specified email addresses and/or to a Slack channel.

In case you want to use Slack, you’ll have to connect your Elastio tenant to the Slack workspace and select a Slack channel where those are going to be delivered to. You can do that by pressing the “Connect to Slack workspace” button and following through the dialog that opens in the new tab. Learn more here.


See more about the Webhook here.